Earth Law Center Press Releases
PORT ANGELES, WA ~ On March 22, 2025, World Water Day, the Elwha Legacy Forests Coalition and Earth Law Center invite everyone to gather at Hollywood Beach in Port Angeles, WA at 11:00am to witness a welcoming and opening speakers, and enjoy music performed by Star Nayea, Indigenous Grammy award winning artist. Special guest speakers include Frances Charles, Chairwoman of the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe, who was instrumental in bringing down the two dams that choked the Elwha River for over a century. Until October 2024, the Elwha River dam removal was the largest in US history, now surpassed only by the free flowing Klamath River.
As countries prepare for the next round of global biodiversity negotiations at COP16, a new report, Ecocentrism in the Global Biodiversity Framework, outlines how developing countries, in particular the least developed countries and small island developing States, can secure portions of the Global Biodiversity Framework Fund (GBF Fund) – intended to reach $200 billion per year by 2030 – to harmonize their legal systems with the laws of Nature under the framework of “Mother Earth centric actions.”
During the 2024 Climate Week NYC, Earth Law Center will host a live reading of the 1,000 year old story “The Animals’ Lawsuit Against Humanity” at the AIA New York Center for Architecture. The play, which follows a group of animals who take humans to court for their poor treatment, alludes to the work of Earth Law Center and the broader Rights of Nature movement in ingraining the rights of animals and other natural entities into law.
New York, NY (July 27, 2023), Earth Law Center and partners proudly announce the soft launch of the Earth Law Portal, a groundbreaking digital platform designed to empower environmental advocacy and drive action for the protection and restoration of the planet.
New York, NY (February 29, 2024), Today, Earth Law Center (ELC) released a groundbreaking report: Advancing Ocean Justice in the Global Plastics Treaty. The report advocates for a justice-centered approach to the treaty on plastic pollution, which is currently being negotiated by the United Nations and is expected to be complete by the end of 2024.
Panama City, Panama: On November 28, 2023, Panama’s Supreme Court unanimously ruled the Cobré Panamá copper mine unconstitutional, following weeks of nationwide protests. According to President Laurentino Cortizo, a process to close the mine will soon commence. The Court’s decision references the national Rights of Nature law, Law 287, passed in February 2022, among its rationale for ruling against the mine. The ruling represents a landmark victory for the burgeoning Rights of Nature movement, which seeks to recognize that Nature has basic rights under the law, just as humans do.
Providence, RI (May 16th, 2023)— Last week, on May 9th, the House of Representatives of Rhode Island approved a resolution welcoming The Ocean Race, recognizing the rights of their communities to live in a healthy and clean environment, and recognizing the rights of natural communities and ecosystems within Rhode Island to exist, flourish, evolve, regenerate, recover, and be restored in the state of Rhode Island.
Panama City, Panama: On March 1, 2023, Laurentino Cortizo, President of Panama, signed a national law that promotes the Protection and Conservation of Sea Turtles and their Habitats. This law, among other protections, recognizes in article 29, the inherent rights of sea turtles and their habitats. The law was introduced by Congressman Gabriel Silva in 2021 and passed through three legal debates to receive input and formulate the law before making its way to the President's desk. As an example of a ‘Rights of Nature’ law, it recognizes sea turtles in Panama as a subject of rights, with rights to live and have free passage in a healthy environment, free of pollution and other anthropocentric impacts that cause physical damage, including incidental capture, coastal development and unregulated tourism, among others.
Huaynakana Kamatahuara kana, una federación de mujeres Kukama en el bajo Valle del Marañón, ha presentado una acción legal pionera exigiendo que el gobierno peruano reconozca su río como una persona jurídica.
Huaynakana Kamatahuara kana, a Kukama women’s federation in the lower Marañón Valley, has filed a groundbreaking legal action demanding that the Peruvian government recognize their river as a legal person.
The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) has become the first international environmental treaty proposing to advance the Rights of Nature.
Des Moines, WA (March 9, 2023)— The Mayor and City Council Members of the City of Des Moines, signed a Proclamation describing the City of Des Moines support for action by local, state, federal and tribal governments that secure and effectuate the inherent rights of the Southern Resident Orcas. This Proclamation (included below) comes after the cities of Port Townsend, Gig Harbor, Langley and Bainbridge made history by passing similar proclamations. Jefferson County passed their own proclamation in January and San Juan County followed shortly thereafter.