2025 Earth Law Summer Course

Live, online course running from June 2-July 2, 2025

currently enrolled in undergraduate, graduate, or law school

Full and partial scholarships available! Click here to apply. Deadline for scholarships is March 31. 

If applying for a scholarship, just use the scholarships form link and if awarded one, we will send you a separate registration link.

A beautiful picture of animals and young children in a Courtroom where a lawyer from Earth Law Center is Advocating for them in front of a three judges

It’s time to align our laws with Nature’s laws.

Join a global community passionate about elevating Earth law to new heights. Gain insights from experienced lawyers and experts in our acclaimed program. Connect with a diverse network of Earth advocates dedicated to making a real difference on a global scale.

Take action today and be a catalyst for positive change in the legal landscape.

Earth Law Summer Course Introduction

Watch a one-minute video from Executive Director, Grant Wilson, providing updates for the 2025 Summer Course!

The Course

Dive into captivating narratives, visual aids, and real-world case studies that not only demystify legal concepts but also showcase the profound impact Earth law can have on our daily lives.

The course is 10 classes, completely virtual, and will be based on our book: Earth Law: Emerging Ecocentric Law - A Guide for Practitioners. 

Our carefully curated selection of reading and viewing materials is designed to make the complexities of legal jargon more accessible and engaging for all participants.

Whether you're a seasoned legal professional or a newcomer, our resources will enrich your understanding, spark thought-provoking discussions, and empower you to champion environmental justice with newfound clarity and confidence.

Topics Include

  • Environmental Law 

    • Intro to Earth law

    • History of Earth Jurisprudence &
      Overview of Recent Developments

  • Constitutional Law

    • Human Rights as a Bridge to Nature’s Rights

    • Co-Violations of Human & Nature’s Rights

  • Indigenous Earth Law

    • Indigenous Ocean Rights

    • Personhood for Mount Taranaki in Aotearoa

  • Corporate Law

    • Nature-Conscious Governance

    • Nature as a Shareholder

  • Family Law

    • Family Earth Law 

    • The Ocean as a Relative

  • Animal Law

    • Is an Elephant a Person?

    • Rights of the Animal Kingdom in India

  • International Law

    • From “Sustainable Development” to “Harmony with Nature”

    • Ecocentrism in the Biodiversity Treaty

  • Property Law

    • Rights of Nature Easements & Trusts

    • Can Nature Hold IP Rights?

  • Criminal Law

    • Ecocide Law on the Global Stage 

    • Class Roundup & Conclusion

The sun shines through the branches of a beautiful and ancient tree in a natural environment


  • Grant Wilson, Executive Director of Earth Law Center, standing confidently in a professional setting, advocating for environmental justice and nature’s rights

    Grant Wilson

    Executive Director, Earth Law Center
    Course Moderator

  • Professor Herman Green, educator at Earth Law Center, teacher of the History of Earth Jurisprudence and advocating for legal rights of nature

    Herman Greene

    Earth Law Center
    History of Earth Jurisprudence

  • "Alexandra Pimor, Lecturer at Earth Law Center, Presentor of an Overview of Recent Earth Law Developments and advancing legal frameworks for nature’s rights.

    Alexandra Pimor

    Earth Law Center
    Overview of Recent Earth Law Developments

  • Constanza Prieto Figelist

    Earth Law Center
    Constitutional Rights of Nature in Ecuador

  • "Kelsey Leonard, Expert in Indigenous Ocean Rights, In natural surroundings, Smiling.

    Kelsey Leonard

    Earth Law Center
    Indigenous Ocean Rights

  • "Pooja Sharma, expert in Nature-Conscious Governance, insightful on sustainable policies and legal frameworks that prioritize rights and justice for nature.

    Pooja Sharma

    Earth Law Center
    Nature-Conscious Governance

  • "Kevin Schneider, lecturer at Earth Law Center, with the legal and ethical question 'Is an Elephant a Person?' in his discussion on animal rights and personhood.

    Kevin Schneider

    Earth Law Center
    Is an Elephant a Person?

  • Elizabeth Dunne, expert in environmental law, discussing Rights of Nature Easements and Trusts, Tree in backround

    Elizabeth Dunne

    Earth Law Center
    Rights of Nature Easements & Trusts

  • Abhayraj Naik, professor at Krea University, standing, smiling in front of brick wall, knows the Rights of the Animal Kingdom in India.

    Abhayraj Naik

    Lawyer and Professor, Krea University
    Rights of the Animal Kingdom in India

  • "Pooven Moodley, lawyer and social justice activist, standing in natural surroundings believes in 'The Ocean as a Relative,' advocating for ocean rights and legal recognition of nature’s interconnectedness.

    Pooven Moodley

    Lawyer and Social Justice Activist, South Africa
    The Ocean as a Relative

  • Additional faculty coming soon!

Course Details

  • (10) 2-hour classes held live on Monday & Wednesday 8-10am pacific

  • Course runs from from June 2 through July 2, 2025

  • Live and asynchronous participation available

  • 200 spaces available

  • 20 High-level faculty

  • Full and partial scholarships available. Application for scholarships closes March 31. Click here to apply.

  • Professional rate $495

  • Student rate $295

  • Group rates available for law firm and other institutions. Please email info@earthlaw.org for more information.

    • For 3-4 people from a single institution, 15% off each registration.

    • For 5+ people from a single institution,  20% off registration 

  • Year-long access to all course materials

  • Permanent access to Earth Law Center’s Mighty Network Community

  • Alumni discount for future courses

Student Testimonial

“I believe the Earth law movement will expand worldwide across different jurisdictions and eventually bring a paradigm shift in the current legal system. Count on me for the next 50 years!” - Benjamin Lee

Student Testimonial

“While being personally energized, I saw an opportunity for collaboration across geographies for a better understanding and regard for nature and its systems. The task ahead is enormous but you have added us to the willing hands to turn global attention aright.”
- Anthony Abolarin

Be part of a movement to take environmental law to the next level


  • Is this course for me?
    This course is for anyone interested in creating and elevating a robust contribution to the future of our planet. Whether you're a seasoned legal professional or a newcomer, our resources will enrich your understanding, spark thought-provoking discussions, and empower you to champion environmental justice with newfound clarity and confidence.

  • What is the time commitment for this course?

    Classes are held twice weekly, Mondays and Wednesdays, for two hours each. Outside of class, you should expect to spend roughly one-hour of reading per each hour of class time. The total time commitment for the Earth Law Summer Course will be roughly 8-hours per week for 5 weeks.

  • Do you have scholarships available?
    Yes! We have full and partial scholarships available. Application deadline March 31, 2025. Apply here.

  • Do you offer CLE Credits or a Certificate of Completion?
    Yes. More information coming soon.

  • Is the coursebook included?
    You will receive a limited-time digital version of the coursebook for the length of the live class (June 2-July 2). If you would like to purchase the coursebook, in either a hard copy or e-copy, you can do so here.

  • Where are all the video’s and supplemental materials hosted?
    Mighty Networks is our educational platform for 2025. This is also where you’ll find the online private community.

  • Will I be able to communicate with faculty during the course?
    Yes! Mighty Networks offers a robust discussion board as well as the ability to interact directly with faculty, hosts, moderators, and other students. Upon joining the course you will gain instant access to the discussion board, even before the Summer Course begins on June 2.

  • What kind of technology will be required?
    A good Wifi connection and audio capabilities are requirements for this course . Utilizing a camera is optional.

  • What if I have a question that’s not listed here?
    We’d love to hear from you! Please email us at info@earthlaw.org.