Universal Declaration of River Rights

In support of our campaign to establish rights for all rivers, Earth Law Center has teamed up with experts worldwide to develop a Universal Declaration of River Rights (“Declaration”). The Declaration draws from victories for the rights of rivers worldwide—from Colombia to New Zealand to the United States—as well as scientific understandings of healthy river systems.

Governments across the world are already using the Declaration as a template for their legislative drafting. Many are working with Earth Law Center and local lawyers to custom the text based on their own unique laws and culture. Contact info@earthlaw.org to speak with an Earth lawyer and establish the rights of rivers in your own jurisdiction!

Already, numerous proposed ‘rights of rivers’ laws mirror or incorporate parts of the Declaration, including in El Salvador (rights of the Lempa River), France (rights of the Tavignanu River), Mexico (rights of all rivers in Oaxaca), Nigeria (rights of the River Ethiope), Pakistan (rights of the Indus Delta and River), Serbia, the UK (rights of the River Frome), and many waterways in Latin America.

Globally, over the past year, rights have been recognized or declared for Boulder Creek and the Boulder Creek Watershed (Nederland, USA, using language from the Declaration), the Magpie River (Canada), waterways in Orange County, Florida (USA), the Alpayacu River (Ecuador), and the Paraná River and Wetlands and Argentina (Rosario, Brazil).

You can sign the Declaration at www.rightsofrivers.org.


New Rights of Rivers Report

Read the brand new report on the rights of rivers movement from Earth Law Center, International Rivers, and the Vance Center!




Numerosos ríos ahora tienen derechos legales. Esto incluye el río Whanganui en Nueva Zelanda, el río Atrato en Colombia, y otros. ELC y sus organizaciones asociadas están comprometidas en lograr personalidad jurídica para más ríos. 

Para establecer derechos para todos los ríos, ELC y expertos en todo el mundo han redactado un proyecto de  Declaración Universal de los Derechos de los Ríos. La Declaración se basa en las victorias de los derechos de los ríos en todo el mundo y la comprensión científica de las vías fluviales.

Revise y firme la Declaración aquí, o envíe un correo electrónico a info@earthlaw.org para obtener más información.


*Read our Question & Answer document on the Universal Declaration of River Rights to learn more about our strategy and how you can help.