Iconic Wins
Helped write a national law on the Rights of Nature and ecocentrism in Panama and supported a follow-up law including rights of sea turtle populations (with the Leatherback Project).
Helped secure support for the Rights of Nature & Mother Earth-centric actions in the global biodiversity treaty (with Rights of Mother Earth, Rights of Nature Sweden, Keystone Species Alliance, and other partners).
Released the first-ever law school coursebook on Earth law, Earth Law: Emerging Ecocentric Law—A Guide for Practitioners (Aspen Series), now taught in 5 countries.
Helped secure the first corporate Board Seat for Nature within a company, Faith in Nature (with Lawyers for Nature and other partners).
Supported a landmark Rights of Nature victory for the Marañon River, the first such win in Peru, which also resulted in guardianship roles for Indigenous women river defenders.
Co-presented “Principles of Ocean Rights” to the UN General Assembly, as a step towards a Universal Declaration of Ocean Rights (with The Ocean Race, the government of Cabo Verde, the IUCN, and the UNDP).
Helped write the first West Coast Rights of Nature ordinance, in Santa Monica, California.
Provided support on a Nez Perce General Council resolution recognizing the rights of the Snake River (with Nimiipuu Protecting the Environment).
Helped secure an amendment recognizing the Rights of Nature in the Constitution of Oaxaca, Mexico, and supported constitutional efforts in other Mexican states.
U.S. Wins
Co-developed the first local guardianship body for Nature in a US municipality and helped advance 5+ resolutions on the Rights of Nature in US communities in the past several years.
Won permanent protection for 69 acres of critical legacy forest within the iconic Elwha River Watershed.
Helped five cities and three counties in Washington State, along with a city each in Oregon and California, to pass proclamations supporting the rights of Southern Resident Orcas.
Supported the Rhode Island House of Representatives to approve a resolution that includes recognition of the rights of natural communities and ecosystems within Rhode Island (with The Ocean Race and other partners).
Co-hosted the Earth Law Symposium, a two-day event featuring world leaders on Earth law movements, with George Washington University Law School .
Wins by the Numbers
Worked with partners in 40+ nations in North America, Latin America, Europe, Africa, and Oceania.
Featured in 80+ media outlets, including the New York Times and Washington Post, and in 50+ international conferences.
Co-submitted 15+ amicus briefs in Latin America, offering expertise in iconic Rights of Nature wins for Ecuador's Intag Valley, Dulcepamba River, and Los Cedros Cloud Forest, amongst others. Submitted another 5+ amicus briefs in the United States.
Trained 100+ Indigenous women river defenders about their rights under the Escazú Agreement, empowering environmental defenders (with Defensa Ambiental and other partners).
Launched the Earth Law Portal, on which, to date, we’ve partnered with 14 organizations and uploaded 37 legal templates and letters; 44 resources, reports, and toolkits; 15 philosophical explorations and protocols; 65 Indigenous Circle models, songs, stories, and teachings; and links to 849 cutting-edge Earth Law developments in journals from across the world.
Hosted four online Summer Earth Law Courses, collectively educating over 600 students from some 50 countries. We also onboard dozens of volunteers, interns, and fellows each year.

Join us in creating a future in which humans and Nature flourish together.
Header Photo: Unsplash / Adam Willoughby-Knox
Footer Photo: Unsplash / Marek Piwnicki