Toward a universal declaration of ocean rights.

The Ocean is vital to all life on Earth—as habitat, food source, refuge, and to provide the oxygen in every other breath we breathe.

Human activity inflicts increasing damages to the Ocean via plastic pollution, warming temperatures, acidification, overfishing, and more.

Earth Law Center upholds the Ocean’s intrinsic value, including its ecosystems’ right to exist, heal, and flourish.

We advocate for the Ocean and coastal ecosystems around the globe.

Current Campaigns

  • Plastics and Ocean Justice

    We advocate for policy solutions to address the injustices perpetuated by plastics.

  • Ocean Rights

    With partners, we mobilize leaders towards restoring our relationship with the Ocean.

  • Panama

    Panama follows a short list of countries to have recognized the Rights of Nature at the national level.

Downloadable resources related to Ocean & Coast

Support ELC’s work with the Ocean and coasts.

Header Photo: David Gross / Ocean Image Bank
Resources Photo: Toby Matthews / Ocean Image Bank