We safeguard ecosystems through advocacy, education, and legal action, promoting a shift away from resource-driven economies while advancing Nature’s rights.

News & Events
Watch The Award-Winning Short Film!
Newly released: Last Stand: Saving the Elwha River's Legacy Forests
Protect The Elwha Watershed!
Lower Elwha Klallam Tribal citizens are calling for the protection of the Elwha Watershed from deforestation. Please read and add your name in solidarity!
Seattle Times Article
“WA sets aside 2,000 acres of forest for conservation, cancels timber sale near Elwha River”
Our Achievements
Filed first-ever lawsuit with Earth Law Center as a plaintiff (Earth Law Center et al. v. Washington Department of Natural Resources et al.) asserting that by logging legacy forests the state failed in its duty to secure the right to a healthy environment, account for environmental justice concerns, and consider impacts to the entire ecosystem.
Through community organizing and strategic litigation, protected critical forests in the Elwha River Watershed.
Filed an influential amicus brief in Conservation Northwest et al. v. Washington Department of Natural Resources et al., in which the Washington Supreme Court issued a landmark decision recognizing that state forest lands did not have to be logged to generate profits.
With coalition partners achieved recognition of the rights of the Southern Resident Orcas by 8 local governments.
Current Campaigns
Elwha Legacy Forest
Legacy Forest Protection in Elwha River Watershed and Western Washington
Southern Resident Orcas
Rights of the Southern Resident Orcas and the ecosystems upon which they depend
Cedar Sanctuary Project
Calling for the creation of Cedar Tree Sanctuaries to protect the last remaining Western Red Cedar groves.
Downloadable resources for the Cascadia Bioregion Program
Elizabeth Dunne
Cascadia Bioregion Program Director

Help fund the Cascadia Bioregion Program’s forest conservation efforts and ecocentric law initiatives
Header Photo: Unsplash / Jordan Plihal
News & Events Photo: Unsplash / Nate Bell
Campaigns (left to right): forest2sea.com; Unsplash / Thomas Lipke; Unsplash / Jairo Gallegos;
Resources Photo: Unsplash / Dave Hoefler; Map Photos (1) Lauren Tierney, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons (2) Credit: Satellite image. Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
Footer Photo: Unsplash / Stephen Walker