Earth Law Center Blog

Peru's Marañón River Wins Recognition of Rights and Indigenous Guardianship in Court
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Peru's Marañón River Wins Recognition of Rights and Indigenous Guardianship in Court

Earth Law Center (ELC) celebrates an important victory obtained for the Marañón River on March 18, 2024. The Kukama Indigenous women of Santa Rita de Castilla, and legal nonprofit Instituto de Defensa Legal (IDL), obtained a historic ruling recognizing the river as a holder of inherent rights—the first such ruling in Peru. With ELC’s Latin America Legal Program having supported the case since its inception, we are thrilled to see this development.

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An Interview with Rabbi Anson Laytner, Translator of "The Animals' Lawsuit Against Humanity"
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An Interview with Rabbi Anson Laytner, Translator of "The Animals' Lawsuit Against Humanity"

In this interfaith and multicultural fable, eloquent representatives of all members of the animal kingdom—from horses to bees—come before the respected Spirit King to complain of the dreadful treatment they have suffered at the hands of humankind. During the ensuing trial, where both humans and animals testify before the King, both sides argue their points ingeniously, deftly illustrating the validity of both sides of the ecology debate.

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Coalition Spotlight: Ríos Protegidos
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Coalition Spotlight: Ríos Protegidos

Earth Law Center is proud to announce joining the Ríos Protegidos initiative, a space that seeks to strengthen the protection of Chile’s rivers by applying existing tools, recognizing gaps and opportunities in river conservation and restoration, and promoting new legislation on protected and restored rivers. ELC’s Latin America Legal Program recently participated in a workshop to promote the conservation and permanent restoration of rivers in the Aysén region—a huge, sparsely populated area in southern Chile that is home to volcanoes, massive ice fields, and other natural wonders.

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Utah Advances Anti-Rights of Nature Bill with Implications for Artificial Intelligence
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Utah Advances Anti-Rights of Nature Bill with Implications for Artificial Intelligence

The Utah state legislature has in recent months been advancing anti-Rights of Nature legislation in the form of H.B. 249, which now awaits the governor’s signature. The bill, known as the “Utah Legal Personhood Amendments,” would explicitly prohibit state governmental entities from granting legal personhood to bodies of water, land, plants, nonhuman animals, and other categories—including artificial intelligence.

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Earth Law Center Advocates for the Rights of Peru's Marañón River
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Earth Law Center Advocates for the Rights of Peru's Marañón River

A major court ruling on a case against Peruvian state oil company Petroperu, as well as the Regional Government of Loreto and other state entities, is expected in the coming weeks. It has the potential to establish the river as a rights-bearing entity, which would make it the next in a growing list of rivers in South America to have been recognized as having rights.

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Nederland Appoints Guardians for Boulder Creek Watershed
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Nederland Appoints Guardians for Boulder Creek Watershed

The town of Nederland, Colorado, located in the mountains west of Boulder, has appointed two guardians on behalf of Boulder Creek and its watershed, whose rights they previously recognized via town resolution. This move is being celebrated as the first time people have been appointed legal guardians for Nature within the U.S.

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Welcome to the Wonderful World of Earth Law
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Welcome to the Wonderful World of Earth Law

Earth law is the emerging body of law that will protect, stabilize, and restore the functional interdependence of Earth's life and life-support systems at the local, bioregional, and global levels. Earth law may be expressed in constitutional, statutory, common law, and customary law, as well as in treaties and other agreements both public and private.

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