Earth Law Center Blog

Rivers Guest User Rivers Guest User

How Can Earth Law Save Florida?

Florida has lost millions of acres of forest and wetlands to development. Dozens of mammals, birds, reptiles, fish, coral and other creatures crowd the state’s list of endangered species.

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General Guest User General Guest User

It’s Time for an Earth Law Textbook

First law textbook on legal movement to establish rights for nature from Earth Law Center. The textbook will be available for university courses and elsewhere. The goal is to train the next generation of rights of nature experts.

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Rivers Guest User Rivers Guest User

Building Momentum: Earth Law Center’s Universal Declaration of River Rights

Laws safeguarding the environment have not kept apace with rapidly expanding human activity. Earth has lost more than half its trees since humans first learned to wield an axe. According to the WWF, roughly one-quarter of coral reefs worldwide are considered damaged beyond repair, with another two-thirds under serious threat. The good news is that a solution has appeared, in the form of Earth Law.

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