Earth Law Center Blog

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Earth Law for Angoon, Alaska

The Native Tnglit people of Southeastern Alaska depends on local ecosystems for their diets and livelihoods. They have created a coalition to protect their environment from damage by commercial activity.

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Earth Law Ocean Framework Launches!

Current methods for protecting Earth’s oceans fall short in many ways. Learn how the holistic, systems and rights-based approach outlined by the Earth Law Ocean Framework addresses the threats facing Earth’s oceans.

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Ecosystem Based Approach to MPAs

Despite many successes of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs), our world's seas and oceans continue to suffer from pollution and degradation. What the seas and oceans need is a paradigm shift so that other species and ecosystem needs are equally important to human ones.

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A New Paradigm for Our Ocean

Earth Law Center is promoting a new paradigm for ocean governance- one that focuses on the Ocean’s own well-being and is guided by principles of sustainability, ecosystem health, precaution and interconnectedness.


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