Earth Law Center Blog
Philippines Establishes Guardians for Marine Mammals
Rights of Nature has taken root in the Philippines. ELC and Philippines Earth Justice Center are exploring how to advance the movement and incorporate the Earth Law Framework for Marine Protected Areas.
Seeds of Hope for Earth Law in the Philippines
Earth Law Center and Philippines Earth Justice Center partner to advance the Rights of Nature movement, and integrate Earth Law concepts into their existing conservation efforts.
Rights for the Southern Resident Killer Whales
ELC & partners are seeking rights recognition for the endangered Southern Resident Killer Whale population and the Salish Sea. Learn more about orcas and the threats to their survival.
Earth Law for Angoon, Alaska
The Native Tnglit people of Southeastern Alaska depends on local ecosystems for their diets and livelihoods. They have created a coalition to protect their environment from damage by commercial activity.
Rights of Nature to Save the Endangered Sharks of the Galapagos
Threats facing sharks in the Galápagos Islands, and the Earth Law solutions that can help protect them.
Earth Law Ocean Framework Launches!
Current methods for protecting Earth’s oceans fall short in many ways. Learn how the holistic, systems and rights-based approach outlined by the Earth Law Ocean Framework addresses the threats facing Earth’s oceans.
An Earth Law Solution to Ocean Plastic Pollution
Plastic pollution in Earth's oceans seriously threatens marine ecosystem health; current environmental laws have failed to address this global issue.
Co-Violations: Where Both Human and Ocean Rights Violations Occur
The Earth Law Framework for Marine Protected Areas serves as a tool for adopting a holistic and rights-based approach to ocean governance; protecting both nature and humans from co-violations of their rights at sea.
Why Earth Law Will Be Good for Puget Sound in Washington State, USA
Puget Sound is the 3rd largest estuary in the U.S. The health of species within these waters are intricately tied to human activities both on the land and water.
Earth Law Center’s Fight to Return Rights to the Ocean
In Spring 2017, ELC launched the Rights of the Ocean Initiative to promote an Earth-centered paradigm in ocean governance.
How Earth Law Can Help Cetaceans in Uruguay
The convergence of two major ocean currents turn the waters of coastal Uruguay into a rich ecosystem, and nursery for fish, seabirds, and whales.
Views from ELC’s First International Marine Protected Area Conference
IMPAC4 met in Chile with over 1000 participants from 80 countries, including the Prince of Monaco, President of Chile, Michelle Bachelet and renowned oceanographer, Dr. Sylvia Earle.
Ecosystem Based Approach to MPAs
Despite many successes of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs), our world's seas and oceans continue to suffer from pollution and degradation. What the seas and oceans need is a paradigm shift so that other species and ecosystem needs are equally important to human ones.
A New Paradigm for Our Ocean
Earth Law Center is promoting a new paradigm for ocean governance- one that focuses on the Ocean’s own well-being and is guided by principles of sustainability, ecosystem health, precaution and interconnectedness.