Documentary Review: Race to Save The World

Climate activist youth, Aji Piper, demands the rights to clean air for his generation from the state of Washington.

Climate activist youth, Aji Piper, demands the rights to clean air for his generation from the state of Washington.

β€œWhat’s stopping us from saving the Earth?” - Mack Wilkins, Race To Save The World.

Produced by Emmy award-winning film director, Joe Gantz’s Race To Save The World cycles through the narratives of various climate activists across America who are willing to sacrifice their relationships, careers, and freedom in order to fight against the deep-rooted issue of climate change. Gantz develops his own β€œlife-in-progress” style of film-making by shadowing and recording the lengths to which these everyday heroes would go for the sake of environmental justice. After carefully choosing his subjects and six years of filming, he crafts an authentic and relatable documentary that compiles invigorating stories of those who radically challenge existing institutions and laws for the sake of a healthy planet.

"When laws that protect property are more important than the laws that protect life, things get pretty messed up" - Michael Foster, Race To Save The World.

Gantz portrays the sense of urgency that is unavoidable given the current trajectory of climate change, an emotion felt by people of all ages and stages of life. Current, anthropocentric-centered laws fail to adequately protect Nature. With a lack of Rights of Nature in place, the Earth is being threatened, and the necessities of life, like clean air and water, are no longer guaranteed. Despite its focus on the often anxiety-inducing topic of climate change, Gantz’s film aims to serve as an invigorating, uplifting, and energizing watch. From 15-year-old Aji to 72-year-old Miriam, his subjects courageously commit to the risks to raise awareness against harmful, corrupt institutions. In an interview with Into Film, Gantz states that his goal is to inspire viewers with the feeling that: "We have to deal with this now. We have to make profound changes. We have to jump in and demand that these changes must be made." Through Race to Save the World, Gantz wants to encourage individuals to take action against the anthropocentric legal system that prioritizes economic profits over Nature’s health.

"It's a battle of paradigms where corporations have rights and investors have rights, but future generations don't have rights? The planet doesn't have rights?" - Bill Moyer, Race To Save The World.

There is much to be done, and it is intimidating to be an individual fighting against what seems to be extensive and irreversible environmental damage. However, there are so many ways to get involved and so many supportive communities working toward the same goal. At the Earth Law Center, we believe that all life on Earth, not just humans, has the inherent right to a livable planet. Our organization works on multiple levels to ensure that Nature can defend its rights in court. The ecocentric movement amplifies the voice of Nature and demands fundamental changes in the legal systems. We believe that protecting the Rights of Nature to exist, thrive, and evolve will lead to the wellbeing of all life on Earth.

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Be sure to check out Joe Gantz’s Race To Save The World, available to watch on


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